Will Washing Clothes With Vinegar Make Them Smell?

Washing clothes with vinegar is a great way to remove any unwanted smells and make them smell fresher. You can either add vinegar to the washing machine or soak the clothes in a vinegar and water solution. If you have a really bad smell, you might have to do a double wash with vinegar and baking soda.

Why Use Vinegar To Wash Your Clothes?

When it comes to removing smells from clothes, vinegar is a powerhouse. It helps to break down the molecules that are causing the smell, and leaves your clothes smelling fresh and clean.

There are a few reasons why you might want to wash your clothes with vinegar:

  • You want to remove a bad smell from your clothes
  • Your clothes are starting to smell musty
  • You want to freshen up your laundry

How Do You Wash Your Clothes With Vinegar?

To wash your clothes with vinegar, you can either add it to your washing machine or soak the clothes in a vinegar and water solution. If you have a really bad smell, you might have to do a double wash with vinegar and baking soda. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and will help to remove any unwanted smells from your clothes. It is also a cheap and easy way to make your clothes smell fresher.

What Is Vinegar And What Are Its Benefits For Laundry Detergent?

Vinegar is an acidic liquid that is formed when fermented alcohol is combined with water. It has a sour taste and is commonly used in cooking and as a cleaning agent. Vinegar can be made from any type of alcoholic beverage, but most commercial vinegar is made from white wine or apple cider.

Vinegar has many benefits for laundry detergent. It is a natural fabric softener and can help to remove any unwanted smells from clothes. Vinegar can also make clothes smell fresher and help to brighten them up. You can either add vinegar to the washing machine or soak the clothes in a vinegar and water solution. If you have a really bad smell, you might have to do a double wash with vinegar and baking soda.

So, if you are looking for an alternative to commercial laundry detergent, then washing your clothes with vinegar might be the answer. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but it is also very effective at cleaning and removing smells from clothes. Give it a try next time you do your laundry and see for yourself!

How To Make A Washing Machine Load With Vinegar?

If you want to make your clothes smell fresher, you can add vinegar to the washing machine. You can either add it to the detergent compartment or pour it directly into the tub. If you have a really bad smell, you might have to do a double wash with vinegar and baking soda for that extra cleanliness.

Will Washing Clothes With Vinegar Make Them Smell?

If you are concerned about your clothes smelling like vinegar, don’t worry. The smell will dissipate once the clothes are dry. In fact, many people say that their clothes smell fresher after being washed with vinegar.

The vinegar smell actually disappears once your clothes are fully tried because the acidic smell is no longer present when the water evaporates. However, if you are still concerned about your clothes smelling like vinegar, you can always add a few drops of essential oil to the wash cycle. This will help to mask the vinegar smell and leave your clothes smelling fresh and clean. – great tip!

Other Ways To Use Vinegar In The Laundry Room

In addition to using vinegar in the washing machine, you can also use it to remove stains from clothing. Simply soak the stained area in a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Let it sit for a few minutes, then wash the item as usual. You can also use vinegar to clean your washing machine. Just run an empty cycle with a cup of vinegar in the machine. This will help to remove any build-up from detergent and fabric softener.

Vinegar is a great all-natural way to keep your laundry clean and fresh. So, next time you’re looking for a way to make your clothes smell fresher, try washing them with vinegar!

What Type Of Vinegar Should You Use?

For the best results, use white vinegar. It is less likely to leave behind a residue than other types of vinegar. The percentage of acetic acid should be between 5% and 10% for the best results.

Do You Need To Rinse Vinegar Off Clothes?

No, you don’t need to rinse vinegar off clothes. The smell will dissipate once the clothes are dry. In fact, many people say that their clothes smell fresher after being

Can I Use Vinegar In All Types Of Washing Machines?

Yes, you can use vinegar in all types of washing machines. However, if you have a front-loading machine, be sure to add the vinegar to the tub and not the detergent compartment.

Final Thoughts On Using Vinegar As A Laundry Detergent Additive

Washing clothes with vinegar is a great way to remove any unwanted smells and make them smell fresher. This method, alongside baking soda, have been around for many years and are very effective.

We surveyed a bunch of cleaning companies we found listed here and asked them if they used vinegar within their methods of washing, they all stated that they create their own detergent mix using their own blend of essential oils, along with water and vinegar!

Dry Cleaning X-PRESS even goes to the extent of soaking bed sheets, linen and any other type of musky materials in vinegar as a pre-wash.

If the professionals are using vinegar in their companies which paying customers are using, then I’m sure we can take their word for it! And as for the smelling of vinegar situation, they all agreed with our information above, the smell of the vinegar is gone once fully dried. Brilliant!


Washing clothes with vinegar can help to remove any unwanted smells and make them smell fresher. You can either add vinegar to the washing machine or soak the clothes in a vinegar and water solution. If you have a really bad smell, you might have to do a double wash with vinegar and baking soda for that extra cleanliness.

In addition to using vinegar in the washing machine, you can also use it to remove stains from clothing. Simply soak the stained area in a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Let it sit for a few minutes, then wash the item as usual. You can also use vinegar to clean your washing machine. Just run an empty cycle with a cup of white distilled Vinegar poured into washer’s drum.. This will help remove any build-up from detergent and fabric softener residue on surfaces – another fantastic use for this amazing product!

Vinegar is a great all-natural way to keep your laundry clean and fresh. So, next time you’re looking for a way to make your clothes smell fresher, try washing them with vinegar! You may just be surprised at how well it works!